Whether you like heights or hate them, high rope activities give people the chance to push personal boundaries. Some enjoy the challenge, while others are more hesitant, but it does us all good to push ourselves once in a while!
There is also huge scope for team development through such activities. Through looking after each other, working together, co-operation, encouragement and trust, so much can be learnt and the experience itself tends to draw groups closer together.
And there’s so much to do as well. The High All Aboard, Crate Stack, Jacob’s Ladder, Giant Swing, Climbing Wall, Abseil, Leap of Faith, Parachute Simulator, the Adventure Tunnels and a range of ground based team tasks are all there to be enjoyed. With so many options, it can be hard to choose!
Please note, that no-one is forced to do anything they don’t feel comfortable with. There is always the option to stay on solid ground, or take things as far as you want to go.
High Ropes Venues
High Ropes is clearly a specialised activity, needing to take place at a specifically designed and constructed site. A number of places have cropped up over recent years, but we tend to stick with the Adventure Rope Course, situated just to the north of Shrewsbury.
It has been cleverly designed to fit a large amount into a surprisingly small space, and lends itself to both fun ‘experiences’ and for formalised ‘team building’ programmes.
The Adventure Rope Course is located on the grounds of the Albrighton Hall Hotel and Spa, which is an ideal venue for corporate days and special occasions. Many clients have made use of both the hotel and the Adventure Rope Course to put together a package which meets their indivual needs.